Suzi Seeds in Sean's Footsteps
Suzi Keepa
Six months before Sean passed away, I lost another dear friend to cancer, Suzi Keepa. Suzi was a guidance councillor at Nayland College who gave her life to helping young people in need and this project will go some way to celebrating Suzi's spirit and her total dedication to the people she served.
The role of Guidance Counsellor requires a heart big enough to embrace all those in need, to walk alongside them when others cannot, and to see in them the hope they believe to be gone. There are few people who can meet this challenge day after day without losing hope or courage along the way. Suzi performed this role in society from the day she could speak and was still in touch with past clients as she fought her own battle with cancer, helping with their troubles as best she could from her bed in Hospice. I do not know how she had the capacity to hold so many people so fully and with such presence and patience, I just know how blessed I am to have counted among my friends a lady of such insight, strength, and wisdom who helped steer countless people towards their better selves.
"Just keep planting those seeds of hope, and you never know when they will take root and grow” Suzi Keepa